Vitamin D is an essential
nutrient and keeps the calcium and phosphorus levels for strong bones and teeth
upright. This is required to prevent osteoporosis. It helps to strengthen the
immune system and increases muscle and nerve function. Studies show that
vitamin D plays a role in the prevention of high blood pressure, breast,
prostate and colon cancer and multiple sclerosis. The nutrient helps fight
diabetes and several autoimmune diseases.
Vitamin D deficiency caused hair
In order to understand how
vitamin D deficiency causes hair loss, it is important to know about the cycles
of hair growth it. There are three phases in the hair growth process, the
experts assign the hair follicle. It I clear relation of Vitamin D and Hair
The three phases are: anagen,
catagen and telogen. In the anagen phase, the hair grows. In the catagen phase,
the hair growth stops. Provided that the telogen phase takes place, the hair
reaches its dead state. If an individual to a vitamin D deficiency, interrupts
respectively changed the lack these cycles. A phase is lengthened or shortened
dramatically. This leads to hair loss due to vitamin D deficiency, since the
phases of the hair follicle are limited.
The essential vitamin D is a
stable body
Vitamin D is essential for
optimum health and growth. Adequate
intake ensures a healthy development of bones and teeth. It is necessary for
the proper absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
The vitamin will get the good
condition of the skeleton. Without adequate amounts of vitamin D in childhood
caused bone deformities. This is a condition, identify the physician as
rickets. In adults, a deficiency of vitamin D reduced bone density. This
increases the risk of bone fractures.
Potential Benefits of Vitamin D
Since vitamin D receptors are
many cells, scientists examine the importance of the vitamin for a variety of
health conditions. The latest research shows that vitamin D plays a protective
role against multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. A higher intake of vitamin D connect
scientists with a reduced risk of breast cancer in women.
Prevention of vitamin D
deficiency and its consequences
Vitamin D deficiency and hair
loss are major problems in many parts of the world including the Western
countries. Both a balanced diet as well as the supply of the sun meets the
needs of the vitamin. Vitamin D is not contained in many foods.
Natural sources are found in
fatty fish. Cod liver oil is a source of naturally occurring vitamin D.
consumers find the nutrient in dietetic substances such as liver, beef,
cereals, margarine, fortified milk and egg yolk. Some mushrooms provide
variable amounts of vitamin D2. Fortified foods provide a sufficient dose.
Sunlight is the main source of
vitamin D. Most people get the required amount of sunlight. Ten minute exposure
to sunlight on a daily basis is sufficient to prevent health deficiencies.
People synthesize vitamin D3 in the skin, provided that the persons expose
themselves to ultraviolet B radiation. Vitamin D and Hair Loss have high impact
at our healthy.
The vitamin D synthesis depends
on the season, time of day, the melanin content in the skin and the latitude.
The clouds and shadows reduce the UV rays by 60 percent. Alternatively
supplements should be taken. Consumers take 1000 IU of vitamin D daily dietary
supplements in order to ensure optimal health. Parents ensure that their
children take at least 400 IU of vitamin D daily to himself.
The most vulnerable people for a
vitamin D deficiency
There are people who suffer from
a higher risk for vitamin D deficiency. Animal products contain the nutrient.
Vegans rely on vitamin D supplementation to obtain an adequate supply. People
with vitamin deficiency suffer from chronic inflammation or disorders of the
gastrointestinal tract, which influence the uptake of nutrients. The risk of
deficiency primarily affects the elderly population. Elderly people are eating
less and less nutrients from the food on. Older people produce less vitamin D
in the skin as a young man.
Negative consequences of vitamin
D deficiency and vitamin D overdose
Vitamin D in its active form
converts to the body by the liver and kidneys. Those with diseases of these
organs such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, kidney stones have trouble
metabolizing vitamin D in its active form. The deficit of this important
nutrient is great. In return, the excessive consumption of vitamin D increases
the risk of kidney stones and hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood).
Affected contact their physician to monitor their vitamin D status, provided
that they are suffering from a chronic liver or kidney disease.
There are many side effects,
provided that a vitamin D deficiency is present. An insufficient amount results
in weakened teeth, bones and muscles, as well as a variety of other health
problems. One of the lesser-known side effects of vitamin D deficiency is hair
loss. If an increased risk of hair loss is noticeable, it is recommended to
those concerned to immediately consult a doctor to start with the treatments.
As people prevent vitamin D
deficiency and its health consequences
People avoid vitamin D deficiency
and hair loss by consuming daily vitamin D-rich foods. To the foods that
contain lots of vitamin D include : Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna, Eggs, Poultry
products, Butter Milk and Shitake mushrooms. Vitamin D and hair Loss have strong relation.
If someone is unable to regularly
incorporate these foods in the diet, he pulls vitamin D supplements into
consideration to prevent vitamin D deficiency and hair loss. If the deficit is
hazardous to health, the doctor recommends large amounts of vitamin D in the
form of orally administered dietary supplements or injections and daily for at
least ten minutes in the sun to spend.