This product makes some very bold claims: Continued use WILL prevent further hair loss & Safe for ALL hair types. The question is, does it actually work?
In this review I have tried to objectively answer many issues brought up in other reviews I've read.
First I'd like to point out that I find the two major claims of this product, hence the reason people buy it, to be unfounded and illogical. The claims state "WILL" & "ALL". The fact is, everyone's body chemistry is different. No one product, that I know of, can cure, fix, help, whatever every single person in the world. There is no way that this product WILL prevent further hair loss in every person who uses it. Legally speaking, the manufacturer probably should have used the term "MAY" or "In MOST/MANY cases". The second claim that it is SAFE for ALL hair types cannot be proven. Is the manufacturer actually sayinh that this product has been tested on over 6 billion people in the world, and no one has had an adverse reaction... ridiculous! Here again, how about stating "Safe for MOST" hair types. It is because of these claims that there are such heated and diverse reviews on this product. It claims you will have no adverse reaction and will stop hair loss. If it doesn't work for you and your hair type/ body chemistry, why wouldn't you be upset? But, here's my findings after about 7 weeks. FYI, I'm a white male with short and somewhat oily hair.
Another reviewer stated that this product contains the toxin Phenoxyethanol. I looked up Phenoxyethanol on Wiki and sure enough, it's a mild toxin. This does seen odd, since this is an "Organic" shampoo. Ah, but here's another finding. I've been using a condition from Burt's Bees that 97.
5% natural. I wondered had wondered what the 2.5% was, but never looked into it. Turns out that it's Phenoxyethanol. It seems that this chemical is in just about every hair and skin care product. It was in the Nioxin shampoo I had been using. The good news is it's a mild toxin. Yes, it's been "linked" to (insert whatever disease you want), but in actuality, if you drank three sodas today, you've probably done alot more harm than using this shampoo... seriously, soda is poison to your system (look up aspartame).
Several reviewers stated increase dandruff and increased hair loss. I have shampooed every other day for a few weeks, then every day for a few weeks, and even twice a day at times. I have had no hair loss or dandruff (which I haven't before).
This of course is subjective. I do not find the smell to be obtrusive, but it's not the best smell in the world (like fresh brewed coffee... which wouold make an odd shampoo fragance actually). Other reviews are all over the place about this... of course if your dandruff increased and your hair started falling out, you may not like the smell as well.
Packaging & Shipping:
Several reviewers griped about their bottle being broken in shipping or untimely shipping. Just to be as objective as I could, I actually ordered this product three times from three different vendors. Each time the product arrived timely and without damage. Maybe the other reviews selected "Pony Express" as their method of delivery, but I've had no complaints.
Of all things, some people complained about the amount of product that the pump on the bottle produced. Seriously? Here again, this is subjective to your personal preference. If I was a girl with 23" of hair, the amount produced by one pump may not be enough shampoo for me. But, I'm a guy with short hair. If anything, the amount may be a tab more than I need, but amazingly if I just use half a press I get the amount that's right for me.
This is the point that made it hard for my "Star Rating". I considered 3 instead of 4. I've read other reviews that said this product was a steal at $18. $18!!! Where can this product be found for $18? On further research, it seems that possibly a year ago, or so, this shampoo was selling for $18. When I purchased it 2 months ago, I bought all three bottles for $25 each. The price did jump to $30 for a week, but when it went back to $25, I purchased my third one. Now, let's review our basic math from 4th Grade. The jump from $18 to $25 is roughly 25%. From $25 to $30 is about 25%. Then from $30 to $40 is like 30%. So, to be generous, this product jumps in price at least 25% a year (and that's being kind). I honestly couldn't believe when I got ready to write this review that it was now selling for $40! Wow, if we stick with this formula, this stuff will cost like $80 in three years! However, I'm sure this is due to "increased production cost" and a "new and improved formula". Now, many things in life are about perspective. If I go through roughly 2 bottles a year (with my short hair) this product isn't as costly as a woman who may go through 6 bottles a year. Is this product expensive? You decide. but to compare, I had been buying Nioxin Follicle Booster for several months. I was using a bottle a month (and that wasn't a much as was reccomended) at $40 a bottle. To me, that's expensive. Also, before the last price hike, I was going to compare the Nioxin shampoo I was using (full of chemicals) which cost about $18 a bottle and say that the $25 wasn't too overpriced... however that ship has sailed.
False Reviews:
At first I was somewhat shocked hearing about false reveiws by paid writers. But, the more I thought about it, why should that be suprising. I've actually found some of the exact same reviews (for some other products) on other websites that matched the Amazon reviews. Now, to be fair these other sites could have just copyied and pasted the Amazon review to their site. So, my take on several of the reviews I've read are this. I think BOTH extremes are somewhat dubious. The "I noticed new hair growth THREE days after using using this product", "This shampoo not only stops hair loss, it cures cancer and I lost 25lbs", "After using this shampoo for ONE week, all my hair, dogs and wife came back!" are just as suspicious to me as the converse "I started seeing bucketfuls of hair in my shower drain the second time I used this shampoo!", "I blacked out in the shower the first time I used this shampoo!", and "I don't have the proof yet, but I KNOW that toxic vapors from this shampoo caused my cat to go into cardiac arrest!" Seriously, if some people are getting paid to write fake positive reviews, you don't suspect it could go the other way around. Obviously I've been intrigued by all the mystique surrounding this product and hence, have read a few reviews. One guy has this huge conspiracy theory about reviews and how the company manipulates Amazon or something... Next thing people will be believing we actually landed on the moon! Sorry, back to my review.
Now, if you've actually read this far, you may be wondering why I gave this product a 4-Star Rating... It's because I work for the company and I'm getting paid... jk. Well, here my final verdict: It Works... kinda, maybe... I'm not sure exactly, but here's my analysis. First, this shampoo lathers great and it doesn't take much to wash my hair. After a wash, my hair feels clean and pretty silky, actually. The fragrance is... ok. I have no dandruff issues and I feel good about ingredients used as well. And here's the deal (drumroll)... not only have I not noticed and hair loss or hair in the drain, I actually have hair growing back. Trust me, when your hair starts to recede, you notice where the hairline is. After using Nioxin Follicle Booster, I saw at least one hair pop back up all alone in no man's land. But, I never noticed anymore growth. Well, in the past month os so I noticed about 4-5 hairs (maybe more) that have sprung up around the lone soldier. Not to mentioned that my hair is definately thicker (not all, but some when compared next to others). Caveat!!! But... I can't honestly say that anything is due to this shampoo. The biggest change to my diet was maybe a few months before when I started taking Biotin. I started taking about 5,000mg a day (5 caps) with meals. I also started taking some Acai soft gels twice a day. That was it, until I started using this shampoo about 2 months ago. I can't say that Pura d'or has done a thing for my hair, but I def haven't found it to be a hinderance. I think it would be good to mention that I juice some and try to eat as healthy as I can. I believe that many people have horrible diets, yet expect some miracle cure / wonder drug to fix what thier diet is killing.
I hope you've enjoyed this review and found it useful. Remember that all body chemistries are different and I think actually change like every seven years. This product may not work for you, but I hope it does... as long as it doesn't cost $400 in like 5 years ;)